Comparative Market Analysis (cma)
Definition: An informal estimate of market value performed by a real estate licensee for the seller to assist in arriving at an appropriate listing price. If working with a buyer giving...
Comparative Market Analysis (cma)
Definition: An informal estimate of market value performed by a real estate licensee for the seller to assist in arriving at an appropriate listing price. If working with a buyer giving...
Comparable Property
Definition: A recently sold property similar to one being evaluated. Also called a comparable or comp. Pronunciation: \ˈkäm-p(ə-)rə-bəl \ \ˈprä-pər-tē\ Used in a Sentence: The sales agent looked for a comparable property...
Comparable Property
Definition: A recently sold property similar to one being evaluated. Also called a comparable or comp. Pronunciation: \ˈkäm-p(ə-)rə-bəl \ \ˈprä-pər-tē\ Used in a Sentence: The sales agent looked for a comparable property...
Community Development District (cdd)
Definition: An independent special district created pursuant to Florida law to service long-term detailed needs of its community. A CDD constructs, operates, and maintains communitywide services and infrastructure for the...
Community Development District (cdd)
Definition: An independent special district created pursuant to Florida law to service long-term detailed needs of its community. A CDD constructs, operates, and maintains communitywide services and infrastructure for the...
Community Property
Definition: Real property acquired during a marriage. (FL is not a community property state). Pronunciation: \kə-ˈmyü-nə-tē\ \ˈprä-pər-tē\ Used in a Sentence: Because Florida is not a community property state, the husband could...
Community Property
Definition: Real property acquired during a marriage. (FL is not a community property state). Pronunciation: \kə-ˈmyü-nə-tē\ \ˈprä-pər-tē\ Used in a Sentence: Because Florida is not a community property state, the husband could...
Common Law
Definition: Judge-made law established in decrees and judgement of the courts (case law), as opposed to statutory law. Pronunciation: \ˈkä-mən\ Used in a Sentence: The judge applied the common law as...
Common Law
Definition: Judge-made law established in decrees and judgement of the courts (case law), as opposed to statutory law. Pronunciation: \ˈkä-mən\ Used in a Sentence: The judge applied the common law as...
Common Elements
Definition: The parts of a multiple-ownership property not included in each unit; those parts in which each unit owner holds an undivided interest. Pronunciation: \ˈkä-mən\\ˈel-ə-mənt-s\ Used in a Sentence: The pool area...
Common Elements
Definition: The parts of a multiple-ownership property not included in each unit; those parts in which each unit owner holds an undivided interest. Pronunciation: \ˈkä-mən\\ˈel-ə-mənt-s\ Used in a Sentence: The pool area...