
Conflicting Demands

Definition: When different parties each make claims that are not in agreement with one another. Pronunciation:   \ˈkän-ˈflik-tiŋ\\di-ˈmands\ Used in a Sentence:   The broker notified the FREC of the conflicting demands between...

Conflicting Demands

Definition: When different parties each make claims that are not in agreement with one another. Pronunciation:   \ˈkän-ˈflik-tiŋ\\di-ˈmands\ Used in a Sentence:   The broker notified the FREC of the conflicting demands between...

Condominium Documents

Definition:  A set of papers explaining the condominium and the association. Pronunciation:   \ˌkän-də-ˈmi-nē-əm\ \ˈdä-kyə-mənts\ Used in a Sentence:   We asked for a copy of the condominium documents before we closed on...

Condominium Documents

Definition:  A set of papers explaining the condominium and the association. Pronunciation:   \ˌkän-də-ˈmi-nē-əm\ \ˈdä-kyə-mənts\ Used in a Sentence:   We asked for a copy of the condominium documents before we closed on...


Definition: A multiunit dwelling consisting of individual ownership of a unit and undivided ownership of common areas. Pronunciation: \ˌkän-də-ˈmi-nē-əm\ Used in a Sentence:   A benefit of living in a condominium is that...


Definition: A multiunit dwelling consisting of individual ownership of a unit and undivided ownership of common areas. Pronunciation: \ˌkän-də-ˈmi-nē-əm\ Used in a Sentence:   A benefit of living in a condominium is that...

Condemnation (eminent Domain)

Definition:    The taking of private real property for a public purpose under the right of eminent domain for a fair price. Pronunciation:  \ˌkän-ˌdem-ˈnā-shən, -dəm-\ Used in a Sentence:   In order to...

Condemnation (eminent Domain)

Definition:    The taking of private real property for a public purpose under the right of eminent domain for a fair price. Pronunciation:  \ˌkän-ˌdem-ˈnā-shən, -dəm-\ Used in a Sentence:   In order to...

Concurrent Ownership

Definition:  Ownership by two or more persons at the same time, such as joint tenants, tenants by entirety, or tenants in common. Pronunciation:   \kən-ˈkər-ənt, -ˈkə-rənt, kän-\ Used in a Sentence:   ...

Concurrent Ownership

Definition:  Ownership by two or more persons at the same time, such as joint tenants, tenants by entirety, or tenants in common. Pronunciation:   \kən-ˈkər-ənt, -ˈkə-rənt, kän-\ Used in a Sentence:   ...


Definition: A provision in Florida’s Growth Policy Act that requires water and waste treatment facilities needed to support new populations be in place before new development is allowed. Pronunciation:   \kən-ˈkər-ən(t)-sē, -rən(t)-sē\...


Definition: A provision in Florida’s Growth Policy Act that requires water and waste treatment facilities needed to support new populations be in place before new development is allowed. Pronunciation:   \kən-ˈkər-ən(t)-sē, -rən(t)-sē\...