

Definition: To hide something from sight or to keep something secret. Pronunciation:  \kən--ˈsēl-mənt\ Used in a Sentence:    The broker could be charged with concealment for not revealing that the area was...


Definition: To hide something from sight or to keep something secret. Pronunciation:  \kən--ˈsēl-mənt\ Used in a Sentence:    The broker could be charged with concealment for not revealing that the area was...

Comprehensive Plan

Definition: A declaration of policies for the future physical development of an area.  (Also called a master plan). Pronunciation: \ˌkäm-pri-ˈhen(t)-siv, -prē-\ Used in a Sentence:   The comprehensive plan for the area allowed...

Comprehensive Plan

Definition: A declaration of policies for the future physical development of an area.  (Also called a master plan). Pronunciation: \ˌkäm-pri-ˈhen(t)-siv, -prē-\ Used in a Sentence:   The comprehensive plan for the area allowed...


Definition:  A formal charge or allegation. Pronunciation: \kəm-ˈplānt\ Used in a Sentence:    A copy of the complaint was sent to the subject’s attorney.


Definition:  A formal charge or allegation. Pronunciation: \kəm-ˈplānt\ Used in a Sentence:    A copy of the complaint was sent to the subject’s attorney.


Definition:  A person who makes a formal charge in court saying that someone has done something wrong.  (See also plaintiff). Pronunciation:   \kəm-ˈplā-nənt\ Used in a Sentence:   The complainant charged that...


Definition:  A person who makes a formal charge in court saying that someone has done something wrong.  (See also plaintiff). Pronunciation:   \kəm-ˈplā-nənt\ Used in a Sentence:   The complainant charged that...


Definition:   A party to a contract who possesses the legal capacity to enter into a binding contract. Pronunciation:   \ˈkäm-pə-tənt\ Used in a Sentence:   The elderly owner was deemed competent to...


Definition:   A party to a contract who possesses the legal capacity to enter into a binding contract. Pronunciation:   \ˈkäm-pə-tənt\ Used in a Sentence:   The elderly owner was deemed competent to...


Definition:  Anything of value or a valuable consideration, directly or indirectly paid, promised, or expected to be paid or received for a service provided. Pronunciation:  \ˌkäm-pən-ˈsā-shən \ Used in a Sentence:   The...


Definition:  Anything of value or a valuable consideration, directly or indirectly paid, promised, or expected to be paid or received for a service provided. Pronunciation:  \ˌkäm-pən-ˈsā-shən \ Used in a Sentence:   The...