
Judicial Review

Definition:   The power of a court to reexamine statutes or administrative acts and to determine their validity; an appeal to a higher court. Pronunciation:   \jü-ˈdi-shəl\\ri-ˈvyü\ Used in a Sentence:   The...

Judicial Review

Definition:   The power of a court to reexamine statutes or administrative acts and to determine their validity; an appeal to a higher court. Pronunciation:   \jü-ˈdi-shəl\\ri-ˈvyü\ Used in a Sentence:   The...


Definition:   The formal decision of a court that not only declares that one party owes another party a debt but also determines the debt amount. Pronunciation:  \ˈjəj-mənt\ Used in a Sentence: ...


Definition:   The formal decision of a court that not only declares that one party owes another party a debt but also determines the debt amount. Pronunciation:  \ˈjəj-mənt\ Used in a Sentence: ...

Joint Venture

Definition:    The joining of two or more people in a specific business enterprise, such as the development of a shopping center or condominium project. Pronunciation:  \ˈjȯint\ \ˈven(t)-shər\ Used in a Sentence: ...

Joint Venture

Definition:    The joining of two or more people in a specific business enterprise, such as the development of a shopping center or condominium project. Pronunciation:  \ˈjȯint\ \ˈven(t)-shər\ Used in a Sentence: ...

Joint Tenancy

Definition:   An estate or interest owned by two or more persons, all owning equal shares with right of survivorship. Pronunciation:   \ˈjȯint\ \ˈte-nən(t)-sē\ Used in a Sentence:   The three brothers entered into...

Joint Tenancy

Definition:   An estate or interest owned by two or more persons, all owning equal shares with right of survivorship. Pronunciation:   \ˈjȯint\ \ˈte-nən(t)-sē\ Used in a Sentence:   The three brothers entered into...

Involuntary Lien

Definition:   A lien imposed against real property without the consent of the owner (e.g. property taxes, special assessments). Pronunciation:   \(ˌ)in-ˈvä-lən-ˌter-ē, -ˌte-rē\\ˈlēn, ˈlē-ən\ Used in a Sentence:   The property taxes on...

Involuntary Lien

Definition:   A lien imposed against real property without the consent of the owner (e.g. property taxes, special assessments). Pronunciation:   \(ˌ)in-ˈvä-lən-ˌter-ē, -ˌte-rē\\ˈlēn, ˈlē-ən\ Used in a Sentence:   The property taxes on...

Involuntary Inactive

Definition:  The status of a license that results when the license is not renewed at the end of the license period. Pronunciation:   \(ˌ)in-ˈvä-lən-ˌter-ē, -ˌte-rē\\(ˌ)i-ˈnak-tiv\ Used in a Sentence:  The sales...

Involuntary Inactive

Definition:  The status of a license that results when the license is not renewed at the end of the license period. Pronunciation:   \(ˌ)in-ˈvä-lən-ˌter-ē, -ˌte-rē\\(ˌ)i-ˈnak-tiv\ Used in a Sentence:  The sales...