Investment Value
Definition: The worth of a property to a particular investor based on the investor’s desired rate of return, risk tolerance, etc. Pronunciation: \in-ˈves(t)-mənt\ \ˈval-(ˌ)yü\ Used in a Sentence: The...
Investment Value
Definition: The worth of a property to a particular investor based on the investor’s desired rate of return, risk tolerance, etc. Pronunciation: \in-ˈves(t)-mənt\ \ˈval-(ˌ)yü\ Used in a Sentence: The...
Definition: The outlay of money usually for income or profit: the sum invested or the property purchased. Pronunciation: \in-ˈves(t)-mənt\ Used in a Sentence: He made a large investment in the...
Definition: The outlay of money usually for income or profit: the sum invested or the property purchased. Pronunciation: \in-ˈves(t)-mənt\ Used in a Sentence: He made a large investment in the...
Definition: Dying without a will or having left a will that is defective in form. Pronunciation: \in-ˈtes-ˌtāt, -tət\ Used in a Sentence: Because the elderly gentleman died intestate his property...
Definition: Dying without a will or having left a will that is defective in form. Pronunciation: \in-ˈtes-ˌtāt, -tət\ Used in a Sentence: Because the elderly gentleman died intestate his property...
Interval Ownership
Definition: A system of time-share ownership in which the owner acquires title to specific property for a certain week (or weeks) of each year. Pronunciation: \ˈin-tər-vəl\ \ˈō-nər-ˌship\ Used in a Sentence: ...
Interval Ownership
Definition: A system of time-share ownership in which the owner acquires title to specific property for a certain week (or weeks) of each year. Pronunciation: \ˈin-tər-vəl\ \ˈō-nər-ˌship\ Used in a Sentence: ...
Definition: A legal proceeding whereby an uninterested third party deposits with the court the disputed escrow funds so that the court can determine who is the rightful claimant. Pronunciation: \in-ˈtər-ˈplē-dər\...
Definition: A legal proceeding whereby an uninterested third party deposits with the court the disputed escrow funds so that the court can determine who is the rightful claimant. Pronunciation: \in-ˈtər-ˈplē-dər\...
Definition: The process whereby financial middlemen consolidate many small savings accounts belonging to individual depositors and invest those funds in large, diversified projects. Pronunciation: \ˌin-tər-ˌmē-dē-ˈā-shən\ Used in a Sentence: Intermediation...
Definition: The process whereby financial middlemen consolidate many small savings accounts belonging to individual depositors and invest those funds in large, diversified projects. Pronunciation: \ˌin-tər-ˌmē-dē-ˈā-shən\ Used in a Sentence: Intermediation...