Lender’s Policy
Definition: Title insurance that is issued for the unpaid mortgage amount that protects the lender against title defects. Pronunciation: Used in a Sentence: The bank required a lender’s policy for...
Lender’s Policy
Definition: Title insurance that is issued for the unpaid mortgage amount that protects the lender against title defects. Pronunciation: Used in a Sentence: The bank required a lender’s policy for...
Easement By Prescription
Definition: A right acquired by an adverse user to use the land of another, created through a court of law after long and uninterrupted use. Pronunciation: \ˈēz-mənt\ \pri-ˈskrip-shən\ Used in a Sentence:...
Easement By Prescription
Definition: A right acquired by an adverse user to use the land of another, created through a court of law after long and uninterrupted use. Pronunciation: \ˈēz-mənt\ \pri-ˈskrip-shən\ Used in a Sentence:...
Definition: real property that is owned by a unit of government and is not subject to taxation. Pronunciation: \i-ˈmyün\ Used in a Sentence: The county courthouse is immune from taxes....
Definition: real property that is owned by a unit of government and is not subject to taxation. Pronunciation: \i-ˈmyün\ Used in a Sentence: The county courthouse is immune from taxes....
Definition: The price paid for the use of borrowed money; estate. Pronunciation: \ˈin-t(ə-)rəst\ Used in a Sentence: We were able to get a low interest rate for our mortgage.
Definition: The price paid for the use of borrowed money; estate. Pronunciation: \ˈin-t(ə-)rəst\ Used in a Sentence: We were able to get a low interest rate for our mortgage.
Legally Sufficient
Definition: A complaint that contains facts that indicate a violation has occurred of a Florida statute or a FREC or DBPR rule. Pronunciation: \ˈlē-gəl-ē\\sə-ˈfi-shənt\ Used in a Sentence: Upon investigation,...
Legally Sufficient
Definition: A complaint that contains facts that indicate a violation has occurred of a Florida statute or a FREC or DBPR rule. Pronunciation: \ˈlē-gəl-ē\\sə-ˈfi-shənt\ Used in a Sentence: Upon investigation,...
Legal Description
Definition: A description of a particular piece of property in such a way that uniquely identifies that parcel from any other property. Pronunciation: \ˈlē-gəl\ \di-ˈskrip-shən\ Used in a Sentence: A legal...
Legal Description
Definition: A description of a particular piece of property in such a way that uniquely identifies that parcel from any other property. Pronunciation: \ˈlē-gəl\ \di-ˈskrip-shən\ Used in a Sentence: A legal...