
Economic Base Study

Definition: A term to describe a means of measuring the economic activity of a community.  The ways in which people in a community make their livings. Pronunciation:  \ˌe-kə-ˈnä-mik\ Used in a Sentence: ...

Economic Base Study

Definition: A term to describe a means of measuring the economic activity of a community.  The ways in which people in a community make their livings. Pronunciation:  \ˌe-kə-ˈnä-mik\ Used in a Sentence: ...

Easement In Gross

Definition: A type of easement that benefits an individual or business entity and is not related to a specific adjacent parcel, for example, a utility easement. Pronunciation:  \ˈēz-mənt\ \ˈgrōs\ Used in a Sentence: ...

Easement In Gross

Definition: A type of easement that benefits an individual or business entity and is not related to a specific adjacent parcel, for example, a utility easement. Pronunciation:  \ˈēz-mənt\ \ˈgrōs\ Used in a Sentence: ...

Easement By Necessity

Definition: An easement created by a court of law in cases where justice and necessity dictate it, especially in a classic landlocked situation. Pronunciation:  \ˈēz-mənt\ \ni-ˈse-sə-tē, -ˈses-tē\ Used in a Sentence:   When the...

Easement By Necessity

Definition: An easement created by a court of law in cases where justice and necessity dictate it, especially in a classic landlocked situation. Pronunciation:  \ˈēz-mənt\ \ni-ˈse-sə-tē, -ˈses-tē\ Used in a Sentence:   When the...

Easement Appurtenant

Definition:  An easement that runs with the land and benefits an adjacent parcel of land. Pronunciation:   \ˈēz-mənt\ \ə-ˈpərt-nənt, -ˈpər-tə-nənt\ Used in a Sentence:   Because the property was landlocked, an easement appurtenant was...

Easement Appurtenant

Definition:  An easement that runs with the land and benefits an adjacent parcel of land. Pronunciation:   \ˈēz-mənt\ \ə-ˈpərt-nənt, -ˈpər-tə-nənt\ Used in a Sentence:   Because the property was landlocked, an easement appurtenant was...


Definition: An interest in land owned by another that entitles its holder to a specific limited use or enjoyment. Pronunciation: \ˈēz-mənt\ Used in a Sentence:   Because the lot was landlocked it required...


Definition: An interest in land owned by another that entitles its holder to a specific limited use or enjoyment. Pronunciation: \ˈēz-mənt\ Used in a Sentence:   Because the lot was landlocked it required...

Earnest Money

Definition: The cash deposit paid by a prospective buyer of real property as evidence of good-faith intention to complete the transaction.  Also called a good-faith deposit or binder deposit. Pronunciation:  \ˈər-nəst\...

Earnest Money

Definition: The cash deposit paid by a prospective buyer of real property as evidence of good-faith intention to complete the transaction.  Also called a good-faith deposit or binder deposit. Pronunciation:  \ˈər-nəst\...