

Definition: As a verb, to make an entry on the left of charge side of an account; as a noun, a charge or expense. Pronunciation:  \ˈde-bət\ Used in a Sentence:  The purchase...


Definition: As a verb, to make an entry on the left of charge side of an account; as a noun, a charge or expense. Pronunciation:  \ˈde-bət\ Used in a Sentence:  The purchase...


Definition: Losses sustained as a result of a breach of contract or some other cause.  See also liquidated damages and unliquidated damages. Pronunciation:  \ˈda-mij-iz\ Used in a Sentence:   When the buyer defaulted...


Definition: Losses sustained as a result of a breach of contract or some other cause.  See also liquidated damages and unliquidated damages. Pronunciation:  \ˈda-mij-iz\ Used in a Sentence:   When the buyer defaulted...


Definition:  One with whom the broker or sales associate hopes to be successful in achieving the purpose of employment.  Per Section 475.01, F.S., a member of the public who is or...


Definition:  One with whom the broker or sales associate hopes to be successful in achieving the purpose of employment.  Per Section 475.01, F.S., a member of the public who is or...

Curable Depreciation

Definition: When the correction of a defect results in as much added value as the cost to correct the defect. Pronunciation:   \ˈkyu̇r-ə-bəl\ \di-ˌprē-shē-ˈā-shən\ Used in a Sentence:   The repair of the cracked...

Curable Depreciation

Definition: When the correction of a defect results in as much added value as the cost to correct the defect. Pronunciation:   \ˈkyu̇r-ə-bəl\ \di-ˌprē-shē-ˈā-shən\ Used in a Sentence:   The repair of the cracked...

Culpable Negligence

Definition: Insufficient attention to duties and responsibilities by those who know, or should know, what is required of them. Pronunciation:   \ˈkəl-pə-bəl\ \ˈne-gli-jən(t)s\ Used in a Sentence:   The broker was charged with culpable...

Culpable Negligence

Definition: Insufficient attention to duties and responsibilities by those who know, or should know, what is required of them. Pronunciation:   \ˈkəl-pə-bəl\ \ˈne-gli-jən(t)s\ Used in a Sentence:   The broker was charged with culpable...


Definition:   A street that is designed to connect to another street at only one end with a circular turnaround at the other end. Pronunciation:   \ˈkəl-di-ˌsak, ˈku̇l-; ˌkəl-di-ˈ, ˌku̇l-\ Used in...


Definition:   A street that is designed to connect to another street at only one end with a circular turnaround at the other end. Pronunciation:   \ˈkəl-di-ˌsak, ˈku̇l-; ˌkəl-di-ˈ, ˌku̇l-\ Used in...