Green Belt Law
Definition: legislation that authorizes county property appraisers to assess land used for agricultural purposes according to its current value as agricultural land. Pronunciation: Used in a Sentence: Florida’s Green Belt...
Green Belt Law
Definition: legislation that authorizes county property appraisers to assess land used for agricultural purposes according to its current value as agricultural land. Pronunciation: Used in a Sentence: Florida’s Green Belt...
Definition: the person transferring title to, or interest in, real property; seller. Pronunciation: \ˈgran-tər, -ˌtȯr; gran-ˈtȯr\ Used in a Sentence: Once the grantor had signed the deed the property was...
Definition: the person transferring title to, or interest in, real property; seller. Pronunciation: \ˈgran-tər, -ˌtȯr; gran-ˈtȯr\ Used in a Sentence: Once the grantor had signed the deed the property was...
Granting Clause
Definition: the provision in a deed that specifies the names of the parties involved, the words of conveyance and a description of the property. Pronunciation: \ˈklȯz\ Used in a Sentence: ...
Granting Clause
Definition: the provision in a deed that specifies the names of the parties involved, the words of conveyance and a description of the property. Pronunciation: \ˈklȯz\ Used in a Sentence: ...
Definition: The party who receives a conveyance of real property; buyer. Pronunciation: \gran-ˈtē\ Used in a Sentence: At the closing the grantee received the deed to the property.
Definition: The party who receives a conveyance of real property; buyer. Pronunciation: \gran-ˈtē\ Used in a Sentence: At the closing the grantee received the deed to the property.
Government Survey System
Definition: a type of land description developed by federal government for subdividing lands using surveying lines. Pronunciation: \ˈgə-vər(n)-mənt\ \sər-ˈvā, ˈsər-ˌ\ \ˈsis-təm\ Used in a Sentence: The government survey system creates a checkerboard...
Government Survey System
Definition: a type of land description developed by federal government for subdividing lands using surveying lines. Pronunciation: \ˈgə-vər(n)-mənt\ \sər-ˈvā, ˈsər-ˌ\ \ˈsis-təm\ Used in a Sentence: The government survey system creates a checkerboard...
Definition: An intangible asset arising from the reputation of a business. Pronunciation: \ˌgu̇d-ˈwil\ Used in a Sentence: Because the store had been in business for several years, it’s goodwill value...
Definition: An intangible asset arising from the reputation of a business. Pronunciation: \ˌgu̇d-ˈwil\ Used in a Sentence: Because the store had been in business for several years, it’s goodwill value...